16% RETURN ON Fixed deposits Yes, it's possible

How To Get 16% p.a. maximum return from a fixed deposit (FD)?

I know you are tired of 4-6% return on your fixed deposits when the inflation rate is around 5-7%, today, I will tell you a new method to get up to 16% return per annum on your termed fixed deposits. Just to be clear, this doesn’t involve a regular bank but using crypto lending platforms you can earn up to 16% return on your term deposits on these crypto lending platforms. If you haven’t heard about crypto lending platforms in India, I have written a detailed post on the best crypto lending platforms in India. Click here to check it and come back again to know how to get the maximum return on your fixed deposits.

How To Get 16% p.a. maximum return from a fixed deposit (FD)?

Before going to the direct point, it is important to know the average return rates of major banks in India for fixed deposits. According to BankBazaar.com, below is the list of best possible return rates on FDs in India offered by the major banks.

Best FD Rates for 5 years
Bank/CompanyRegular Interest Rates (per annum)Senior Citizen Interest Rates (per annum)
Axis Bank5.40%5.90%
YES Bank6.75%7.50%
HDFC Bank5.30%5.80%
IDFC First Bank4.50%5.00%
IndusInd Bank6.50%7.00%

Let’s be honest that most of us are not senior citizens and you are not ready to commit to a 5 years deal. Most of the time, you will get a return rate ranging from 4 to 5 percent per year. When the inflation rate is more than your return rate, you are not increasing your money in value but are decreased every year. This is why many people including you and me are searching for alternate investment options like Stocks and Mutual Funds. Every investment options have their own unique risks and rewards. I will not discuss the advantages and disadvantages of stocks and mutual funds as it will be a totally different topic.

Today, I will discuss the risks and rewards of crypto lending platforms and how to earn up to 16% per annum on your deposits. Let’s clearly discuss the risks first because you have to make sure you are ready to invest in it and you properly know the risks and rewards. I don’t want to write some sweet words and guide you to invest in these crypto lending platforms.

Risks of having a FD in crypto lending platforms

  • No proper regulation.
  • Not a proper registered financial body.
  • No RBI-backed guarantee.
  • Risk of being ghosted by the company.
  • Fixed return as compared to other cryptos.
  • You can’t withdraw for the agreed number of days no matter what (for fixed terms).
  • Risks of crypto plummeting its value.

No proper regulation

As everyone knows that currently there are no clear cut regulation for crypto-currencies in India. With this, there are no clear set of rules to be followed by the investors and exchanges. This means that there is always a possibility that all your money are vanished overnight. Keep in mind that this can also happen even in regulated sector like what happened to YES bank.

Not a proper registered financial body

Just like stockbrokers are registered in SEBI, banks are also registered through RBI and many other agencies. Unlike these, the crypto exchanges are not registered as a formal exchange in any governmental agencies. Even if they want to, they can’t since there is no proper regulation. So, take every crypto investment with a grain of salt. Having said this, there is no need for extra panic as govt. has backtracked from complete ban to proper regulation.

No RBI-backed guarantee

Most of the FDs offered by the major recognized banks have an RBI back guarantee of Rs. 5,00,000. This means that if you had an FD of Rs. 10 lakhs and somehow, due to some reason, the bank is no more, then you will get up to Rs. 5 lakhs. However, if you have two different FDs of 5 lakhs each in two different banks, you are insured for the full amount. You can click here to know the full details.

There are no such insurances in the case of any of the crypto lending platforms available till now. So, in case any of the crypto lending platforms go bankrupt all your money goes down with it.

Risk of being ghosted by the company

Just like any company and any investment, you always have the risks that the company will vanish overnight and you are left hanging not knowing what to do. This applies to all the industries even in the most popular and best regulated sectors.

Fixed return as compared to other cryptos

For this specific method, we are not talking investing in any of the hyped cryptos like Bitcoin, Ethereum, doge, cardano, etc. This method involves investing in a stable coin and by name itself, it is stable. Unlike the above coins whose values increase and decrease wildly, the values of stable coins will remain almost stable.

So, if the values of other cryptos skyrocket, your portfolio will remain almost the same and if the values of other cryptos plummet, you are safe. So, take this as a safer road.

You can’t withdraw for the agreed number of days no matter what (for fixed terms)

First of all, there are two types of deposits in crypto lending platforms – fixed term and open term. Fixed terms are like the FD and open terms are like the money laying around in your savings account. Interest in your open term is less than that of the fixed terms. One advantage of open terms is that you can withdraw the money anytime you want. Fixed terms offer higher returns and you can’t withdraw the deposited money. Make your choices based on your risk appetite.

Risks of crypto plummeting its value

Now, you might be saying, stable coins are affecting too much by the price volatility of other cryptos, but why risks of crypto plummeting their value? The simple reason is that the stables coins are just a small part of the overall crypto market. Stable coins are used to transfer in between different coins. If the value of cryptos are plummeting, and exchanges are unable to operate, then your FSs will be affected even though the values of your stable coin remains almost same.

Benefits of having a FD in crypto lending platforms

  • Much much higher return than the conventional FD.
  • Short-term FDs with high returns.
  • Benefits of betting against inflation.

Much much higher return than the conventional FDs

As I have mentioned above, the return on conventional FDs offered by banks is very less as compared to the returns in crypto lending platforms. For returns on FD in conventional banks you can check out the table above. And for returns on FDs in the crypto-lending platforms you can check out the table below.

Platform/FeaturesBlockFiCrypto.comNexoBlockchain.comCelsius NetworkZebPay
Interest Rate (% p.a.)0.5-8.6up to 12up to 861212
Supporting CoinsBTC, ETH, LTC, USDC, LINK, PAX, PAXG, USDT, BUSD, GUSDBTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, USDT + 50 coinsBTC, ETH, USDT,LTC, TRX, BCH + 15 coinsBTC, ETH, BCH, PAX, USDT, XLM.BTC, ETH, BCH, USDT, + 50 other coinsBTC, ETH, USDT, Binance Coin, DAI
Minimum InvestmentNoneToo big to list all but large amountNoneNoneNoneBTC – 0.0005
ETH – 0.05
USDT – 10
DAI – 10
Company HeadquarterUSAHong Kong, ChinaLondon, UKLuxembourgLondon. UKGujarat, India
Indian SupportYesYesYesYesYESYES
Sign-up Bonus$10 when you deposit $100 [USE CODE: 5fb31957]$25 when you stake $500 worth of CRO [USE CODE: kn9fdttcpy]NoneNone$40 when you deposit $400 (USE CODE: 1518860662)From time to time (USE CODE: REF18996140)

Now, Indians should try to stay in the Indian players and ZebPay is one of the most popular crypto-exchanges that provides crypto lending facilities. If you don’t know the details of ZebPay, I have written a detailed review on how to get returns on your crypto investments. You can check it out by clicking here. As you can see in the above table, the returns are much higher than the conventional FDs.

Short term FDs with high return

In conventional bank FDs, to get the highest possible return, you have to commit your money at least 2-3 years. If you withdraw your money before that, extra fees will be there. In crypto lending platforms, you can commit ranging from 30 to 180 days with almost same return rates.

Benefits of betting against inflation

As mentioned in the very first paragraph of this post, inflation is a major factor you have to consider. Since the FDs in crypto-lending platforms like Zebpay are in USDT which is a stable attached to USD, you will get an extra 4-6% as INR inflates around this rate against USD. This is itself equal to the average return of FDs in banks.

How To Get 16% p.a. maximum return from a fixed deposit (FD)?

Coming directly to the point, you can get 12% for lending to ZebPay and an extra 4-6% for investing in USD, this is how you can get the maximum return out of your fixed deposits using crypto-lending features. This service is also available not only on ZebPay but also on other major platforms like blockfi, crypto.com, celsius network, etc. All the rates are given in the above table check it out. ZebPay is a completely India-based crypto exchange.

All you need to do is signup to ZebPay using the link below and complete your KYC. Once your account is verified, you can deposit your money from your account to your ZebPay wallet. Using that money, buy USDT and lend that USDT. Choose a term comfortable for you.

Click here to signup on ZebPay. I have written a detailed post on how to open, verify and start depositing money on ZebPay. Click here or follow the link below to check it out.

If you are looking for a conventional FD with insurance, you can check out from Groww. It offers some of the best return rates from various banks. You can also invest in Mutual Funds, Stocks, Golds, and even in US stocks. Click here to sign up and get Rs. 100 for free on Groww after your account verification.

If you are looking for short-term investments with higher returns than FD and lower risks than stocks, check out the TradeCred review by following the link below.


Disclaimer: All investment strategies and investments involve the risk of loss. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as investment advice. Any reference to an investment’s past or potential performance is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit. Any ideas or strategies discussed herein should not be undertaken by any individual without prior consultation with a financial professional for the purpose of assessing whether the ideas or strategies that are discussed are suitable to you based on your own personal financial objectives, needs, and risk tolerance. This website expressly disclaims any liability or loss incurred by any person who acts on the information, ideas, or strategies discussed herein. The information contained herein is not, and shall not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy or an offer to purchase any securities, nor should it be deemed to be an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to purchase or sell any investment product or service. Everything discussed here is only for educational purposes. Do your own research before investing.

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