Luci Survival Solar Air Lantern is one of the best and best value solar lantern available in the market. We will look in its features and advantage. Also, we will include an offer for our users only. If you do not want any long reviews and buy directly then you can click the linkĀ below and buy now:
CLICK Here To Buy Luci Solar Lantern
Luci Survival Solar Air Lantern Review:
Let’s have a look at the features first:

4 inches tall when inflated
150 square feet lighting area
1 inch tall when deflated
Weighs only 4 ounces
High-efficient built-in solar panel
10 powerful LEDs giving 50 lumens
Brightens a 12-foot area
Rechargeable lithium polymer battery
Full charge in just 8 hours of sun
Made from waterproof PVC enclosure
Handles on both sides for easy hanging
Low, High, Emergency Flash and Off settings
Maintenance free: no wires, no gas, no batteries
IP67 waterproof rating
Retains 95% of its charge, each month (after 3 years in storage, it still works!)
It can be used in:
Light up campsite by hanging on tree or rope
Great for reading a book in the dark
Lights inside of tent, hang it or lay on ground
Power outages at home or office
Keep in your car, boat or RV
Waterproof and it floats
Must have item for your ‘bug out bag’
Light up a backyard party
It is super cheap yet reliable. The product is available only in US which is a setback for most of the users from other countries. If you order three or more, then you will get free shipping. Moreover, if order more than 2 you also get survival kit for free. There are other products as well which you will get as freebies. This device is a must-have device if you are planning a trip or as a backup. Moreover, it does not cost as much. Click on the link below to buy now.