Did you know BlackRock is the world's largest asset magaement firm with assets worth more than $9 Trillion.

Did you know BlackRock is the world's largest asset magaement firm with assets worth more than $9 Trillion.

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock visited India last month & met with some important poeple. So what does this mean for retail investors like you and me?

Larry Fink recently caused a raw over his comment on ESG. He expressed he doesn't want to use the term ESG while he propelled it in 2018.

Larry met with the Indian Billionaire Mukesh Ambani, after announcing partnership with Jio few months back

Both Larry & Mukesh met with Indian PM Modi as per reports.

So what does this mean for retail investors like you & me?

BlackRock invested $150 Million to Jio Financial Services to provide asset management for growing Indian investors.

BlackRock already manages $13 Billion on direct Indian exposures & 15% of $422 Asian assets in India

There will be no suddent change in the near future but expect announcements from Jio Financial Services about its new features

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Generally, CEOs of big comapnies meet heads of states for agreements & ask for certain guarantees as well as to assure understandings between the company and the country.

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