Check out these 5 best stock brokers for beginners in India

Check out these 5 best stock brokers for beginners in India

The list will keep changing as soon as new features are available on the brokers. Check out the full list.

1. m.Stock

m.Stock, the only broker in India that offers zero brokerage in all segments. Coupled with simple yet necesary features, it is the best broker for beginners. Swipe up to read full review

m.Stock's zero brokerage is  very beneficial to new users with small capitals & are bound to made mistakes and overtrading. Brokerage is one of the major fees. m.Stock solves this problem.

2. Groww

Groww is the most beginner friendly stock broker in India. The UI is really friendly and easy to  browse, get details of each stock.

But once you become little familiarise with trading, stock market, you will find Groww very simple and will search for other broker. This is why it's in 2nd position not 1st.

3. Fyers

Fyers is the first broker in India that offers integrated TradingView where you can trade from it with easy entry & exit in the chart itself.

Fyers also offer many other integrations with other services like algo trading, Options, GoCharting, InstaOptions and many others.

4. Dhan App

Dhan is a featured pack discount broker. It is relatively new in the market but definitely a good one to use.

Dhan has every features you need to become a successful trader or investor. Signing up is free and you should definitely try it.

5. Upstox

Upstox enjoys the tag of broker that Tata's invested. It continuously introduces new features.

As a complete beginner, you may find Upstox a little complex and overwhelming. But once you become aware, it is fairly easy to operate Upstox.

So many brokers what should you do?

I signup on all of them for certain features available on specific brokers.

But I trade only with m.Stock as it offers free brokerage.

Should you use Groww?

I am simple guy like you, I find investing in mutual funds via Groww or buying stocks for investment is best in terms of experience.

Sign up on as many brokers you think you need for certain features in a specific broker and use it. When trading use m.Stock due to the free brokerage.

Swipe Up or click the link below to read the full blog post for the best stock brokers for beginners in India.