The VPN is one of the early VPNs which is very popular among users and we will see my reviews and according to reddit. The VPN is one of the strong contendors to be the best VPN. We have some pros and cons in hide me VPN review. VPN review 2019:
About Hide me VPN:
Hide me VPN is based on Germany and Malaysia. Its parent company deals with security privacy and other internet security issues. Even though the main and most of the contents are in German you will find it in English also.
The main aim of hide me VPN as pointed out in reddit is that its users are able to try its service. If liked then you can upgrade to premium plans as well. VPN review 2019 software download:
For windows and Mac users, hidme VPN client can be downloaded directly from the site. For Android and iOS users you can download from respective stores.
The software is easy to use and should not have any problem nevigating if you are not a complete newbie. When you install it for the first time you will be asked to accept or install the VPN client.
The UI is simple you will have connect disconnect support account tabs in it.
Once connected your status will be shown in the screen with location and IP.
For free or trial users you can not change the location and IP. You will be restricted to only one given IP.
For premium users you can select in any of the locations and seevers in the list.
Right from the software you can seek support and help for any problem. For premium users you will receive a reply with hours in business days. VPN review 2019 free trial:
We have done VPN review for both free or trial users and premium users.
For a free user hide me VPN provides free 2GB usage per month. After that you will need to upgrade to one of the premium plans.
As a free user the IP and server location is limited. There is a throttle in speed also. For this you can not stream any online movies or play a game. VPN review 2019 premium:
For premium users VPN supports servers from more than 23 locations. You can select anyone of your choice. You will get unlimited data and speed.
For plans and pricing scroll down a bit. The premium users get most of it. You can use many devices at the same time. For example when you login in your computer and at the same time you can also use in your iphone or android. This is a great feature from hide me VPN. VPN review 2019: user privacy
Hide me VPN keeps no logs and history of anything of you for both free and premium users.
One of the main reasons why VPNs become so popular is the privacy and recent reports about government trying to steal it away.
The hide me VPN service is highly end to end encrypted service with no records of users what so ever. During VPN review 2019 we got many VPNs trying to strengthen their user privacy and protect from anyone trying to steal and sneak into it. VPN review for Android, iOS: VPN provides cross device support such as Android and iOS i.e. iPhones, iPad, iPod etc. You can download its app from Apple appstore and Google play.
The links are can be found from the VPN download page. You can directly buy or upgrade your plan from your smartphones.
Hide me VPN review 2019- service and reliability
Apart from couple of problems the overall performance was excellent. VPN take no time to connect to its servers and start using from all devices in both free and premium plans. Just hit the coonect button and you are done.
The speed of free users are not fast and you can not complain it because you are using it for free.
The speed of premium users are good and you can stream youtube videos from PC.
However we couldn’t do anything in iPhone. We were not able to identify the problem but right after connecting it disconnected automatically.
So we hope that this problem will be solved in the near future. This problem might be because of our server protected by cyberoam.
But bypassing cyberoam is one the reason to use a VPN. No matter what they should solve this problem.
Apart from this we found almost no problem. There were sometimes sudden change in ping and server speed. VPN review 2019 price and plans:
As said above hide me VPN provides you 2 GB of data free per month for free users. For any premium users you can have unlimited data and speed at any device and server. You can change all these at any time.
Follow the link below to buy now.
The premium plan starts with $11.67 per month and plus plan with $5.42
The plus plan allows 75GB plan and supports all protocols.
For premium plan you can get unlimited amount of data.
Both plans has 29 locations and severs to select from. The premium plan supports port forwarding. Most of you will not need this feature. So if you are able to curb your bandwith for 75 GB per month then its better to use the plus plan.
Hide me VPN review 2019 torrent: VPN is one of the handful VPN services which supports torrents.
Most of the VPNs doesn’t support torrent on the grounds of piracy illegal downloads etc. But hide me vpn supports torrent downloads. But this is only in premium and plus plan users.
You do not need to change anything in your torrent setting to use with hide me vpn.
You should buy hide me VPN if you are searching for VPNs that support torrent downloads.
Pros :
Free upto 2GB.
Easy and light software.
Easy to use with its many features.
Many servers at 29 countries.
Low pingback.
Relatively cheap( only 5.42 on plus plan)
Very fast speed.
Torrent support.
Great support and costumer staff.
Frequently and automatically disconnected in iPhone 5s (device we used to test for mobile)
Throttle and limited speed to free users ( lets happy that we are getting it for free)
Alomost twice the price for the port forwarding feature( although most of us won’t use it)
Except for the iphone issue we absolutely recommend to use and buy VPN. Do not use free just upgrade, you won’t regret it. There arr lots of features for just plus plan.
If you are not going to use port forwarding and your bandwith range is within 75 GB per month then buy the plus plan. You don’t need the premium plan.
Follow the link below to buy and download the hide me VPN.
Click here to buy the VPN
Check out other popular VPNs as well to see your best VPN by clicking the link here.